Hey all,
Move the game files to the location where you want to put them. Open the epic games launcher, and uninstall the game (it won't actually do it as long as you've moved the files). Click the install button, and it should allow you to choose a location. Jan 26, 2021 Generally, the install location of Epic games is C: Program Files Epic Games. However, Epic shows a pane for users to change the installing location when they are the first time installing a game. So, the install location is various. Change Default Save Location in Windows 10 – Have a Try.
There's still some internal discussion about making this a Launcher feature. There is a workaround you can use, however, that uses a Symlink. This method requires moving the /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine folder to the external drive and creating a symbolic link to the new location in the old folder. If you want to try it this way, these are the steps you can take:
Epic Games Launcher Change Install Location Mac
Backup the UnrealEngine folder found in /Users/Shared
Move the UnrealEngine folder to the drive the engine is to be installed to. This can be done with the following terminal command (without the quotation marks): “Sudo mv /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine /Destination/Location/” (Note: there is a space between the path of the folder that is being moved and the destination it is being moved to)
Enter the admin password when prompted
Create a symlink in the older UnrealEngine folder location and point it at the new UnrealEngine location: 'Ln –s /Destination/Location/Shared /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine'
Epic Games How To Change Install Location
Essentially what this does is create a shortcut in the old location (/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine) and redirects everything to the new location that you specified. When the Launcher attempts to copy/install engine files to /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine, they will be re-directed to that new location as well.