Wolfenstein 2009 Trainer

Cheat Codes

  1. Wolfenstein 2009 Trainer
  2. Wolfenstein 2009 Cheat Trainer
  3. Wolfenstein 2009 Trailer

Vista: Get the 'wolf.cfg' file (Users AppDataLocalid SoftwareWolfSPbase) and make a copy of it. Rename the copy 'autoexec.cfg' and open it in a text editor and add the following line: seta. Wolfenstein 2009 Cheat Codes, Trainers, Patch Updates, Demos, Downloads, Cheats Trainer, Tweaks & Game Patch Fixes are featured on this page. Wolfenstein (2009) Cheat Codes - PC. Trainers, cheats, walkthrough, solutions, hints for PC games, consoles and smartphones. JavaScript is disabled in your browser. If you enable JavaScript, this message will disappear. Today, almost all Web pages contain JavaScript code, a programming language scripts executed by the Web browser. Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2021: Cheatbook-Database 2021 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from.

These codes work for v1.1 patch update. Right click your games desktop shortcut and choose Properties, in the Target field add the following to the end: Wolfenstein 2009 trainer requirements +set com_allowConsole 1
Now start the game via the desktop shortcut.
During gameplay hold Right Alt + Left Alt and press ~ (Tilde) to bring up the console, you can now enter one of the following codes:
All power upgrades - giveALLPowerUpgrades
God mode - god

Wolfenstein 2009 Trainer

All intel - giveAllIntel
All veil powers - givePowers
Get indicated amount of gold - giveGold <number>
Unlock objectives - giveObjectives
Unlock achivements - giveAchievement
Ignored by enemies - notarget
Toggle head bobbing while Blazkowicz sprints (will eliminate sprint feature) - g_noviewbob <0 or 1>
Enable Flammenwerfer in level 1 - seta g_unlockedFlameDLC 1
Spawn item or character - spawn <name>
Set total money to $31,337 - momoney
Set Blazkowicz's running speed (the default value is 140) - seta pm_runspeed <number>
Toggle unlimited sprinting - seta g_infiniteStamina <0 or 1>
Set Blazkowicz's vertical jump height (the default value is 50) - seta pm_jumpheight <number>

Wolfenstein 2009 Cheat Trainer

Unknown? - novis

Spawn Names
Use one of the following names with the above spawn code:
Blonde Elite Guard with dagger - enemies_elite_guard
Brunette Elite Guard with whip - enemies_elite_guard_02
Flamethrower Trooper - enemies_ak_flame_trooper
Friendly Kreisau soldier with MP40 SMG - allies_kreisau_soldier_01
Green Despoiled - enemies_despoiled_green
Heavy Trooper - enemies_ak_heavy_trooper
Red Despoiled - enemies_despoiled_red
Rocket Trooper with jetpack - enemies_ak_rocket_trooper
Scribe - enemies_scribe
Sniffer - enemies_sniffer
Wehrmacht officer with MP40 SMG - enemies_wehrmacht_officer
Wehrmacht sniper with sniper rifle - enemies_wehrmacht_sniper
Wehrmacht soldier with Kar98 rifle - enemies_wehrmacht_infantry
Wehrmacht soldier with MP40 smg - enemies_wehrmacht_infantry_mp40
Spawns an Altered - enemies_altered
Spawns an Assassin - enemies_ak_assassin
Spawns an SS officer with MP43 assault rifle - enemies_SS_officer
Spawns an SS soldier with MP43 assault rifle - enemies_SS_sentry
Spawns friendly Erik Engle with MP40 SMG - allies_kreisau_erik

Wolfenstein 2009 Trailer

Spawn Items
Use one of the following with the above spawn code:
Flammenwerfer ammo - ammo_flame
Leichenfaust 44 cannon ammo - ammo_lf44
Mauser ammo - ammo_mauser
MDL24 ammo - ammo_mdl24
MP40 ammo - ammo_mp40
MP43 ammo - ammo_mp43
Panzer ammo - ammo_panzer
Particle cannon ammo - ammo_particle_cannon
Shroud ammo - ammo_shroud
Tesla ammo - ammo_tesla
Flamethrower - weapon_flammenwerfer
MDL.24 grenade - weapon_grenade
Leichenfaust 44 cannon- weapon_lf44
Kar98 bolt-action rifle - weapon_mauser98
MP40 - weapon_mp40
MP43 - weapon_mp43
Rocket launcher - weapon_panzerschreck
Particle cannon - weapon_plasma_cannon